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Willamette Academy
  • Educational
  • Family Friendly
  • Discounted
  • Assistance Available

Willamette Academy
Willamette Academy reaches out to historically underrepresented communities by empowering youth who have the desire and potential to advance to higher education.

Willamette Academy is a college access program at Willamette University that serves students by providing additional support outside of school through mentoring, tutoring, monthly Saturday sessions and a summer camp.

We serve Salem-Keizer School District 8th- through 12th-graders from populations that are historically underrepresented in higher education: low-income, people of color, recent immigrants or first-generation college students.

In addition, we help our students overcome issues such as a lack of knowledge about high school requirements and unfamiliarity with the college application and financial aid processes.

By cultivating in our students both a love of learning and confidence, we guide them on a path to a four-year college or university of their choice — and a brighter future.

This program offers tutoring and access to technology resources, as well as:

Academic Mentor meetings where students get together regularly one-on-one with their mentor to receive individual goal-planning and other academic support;
CORE (Community of Respect for Everyone) group meetings where older students work as peer mentors to help younger students build relationships and develop social accountability;
Workshops, often developed by Willamette community members and held on campus, that broaden students’ horizons by exploring topics such as the arts, current events and community service.

Saturday Sessions
Saturday Session 12
During the academic year, academy students are expected to come to campuss one Saturday a month for enrichment workshops. In these, students can develop their leadership, math, science and writing skills or focus on career and college exploration, their path to college through course advising, college entrance exam preparation, college transition, and college and scholarship application support. Students also have the opportunity to meet and learn from university professors and college students.

Summer Program
Summer Camp Bird Watching
Each summer, the academy hosts an academic camp on the Willamette University campus that allows students to experience campus life and academic preparation for college. As well as enabling students to start envisioning themselves in a college environment, the camp helps clarify families’ misconceptions about college life. Students participate in a non-residential day camp (6-7 days) their first two summers and stay overnight on campus (10-14 days) their remaining three.

Contact Information
Willamette Academy
Fine Arts West
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301

503-370-6103 voice
503-370-3001 fax
[email protected]

Our Sponsors

Catholic Charities Providing Help, Creating Hope in blue text with a teal green icon on the left of a rounded square with a leafy symmetrical illustration